How to Import Organic Japanese Tea to Singapore
While Singaporeans have been caffeine high for a long time, no one can deny that tea lovers are also on a roll. Various Singaporean local tea brands claim that they have remained 20 years behind coffee primarily because Starbucks, Coffee Club, and other independent brands have set foot into this world before tea could make its mark. But, now, many people have changed their preferences, and they are shifting to tea. So, it’s about time that Singapore should start importing organic Japanese tea to Singapore. But, how can it do that?
Brief History of Organic Japanese Tea
The production of organic Japanese tea started in the 8th century. Still, its exportation started late, approximately in the late 1900s when tons of organic Japanese were exported to the United States and other countries. However, the production of Japanese tea started to fall when coffee and green tea emerged into the world. Many youngsters from the tea farming families moved into the cities instead of producing Japanese tea. But, as we’re moving forward, the production of organic Japanese tea is escalating, and it’s getting exported to the United States yet again along with several European countries.

Organic Japanese Tea Today
According to various studies, about 72.3% of Japanese drink Japanese tea daily, while 89.6% of people drink Japanese green tea weekly. Now, you can analyze why Japanese tea is termed as one of the most consumed beverages in the world.
Organic Japanese tea has gathered its fame due to its exotic flavor, aroma, and taste that soothes your entire palette. Around twenty varieties of organic Japanese tea are present as of now, and this limited number guarantees that you’ll get a specialized and high-quality cup of tea every time. Now, Singaporeans’ enhanced love for organic tea calls for this organic Japanese tea, but how can they import it to their country?
How to import organic Japanese tea to Singapore?
Before you import organic Japanese tea to Singapore, there are certain rules and regulations that you’ll need to abide by. Singapore’s main regulatory body is the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) which takes care of all the imports to Singapore. The government of Singapore has granted many powers to SFA. It can:
- Issue directions to the owners of the food businesses to comply with the rules of food safety.
- Demand information regarding your imported product.
- Destroy the food product that violates the rules and regulations and is harmful to the health of Singaporeans.
What will you do before importing organic Japanese tea to Singapore?
The first thing you need to do in order to import organic Japanese tea to Singapore is that you need to apply for a trader’s license. Now, you can only apply for a trader’s license if your business is registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). This authority will provide you with a Unique Entity Number (UEN) which is a 9-10 digit number. UEN enables you to import products to Singapore.
As organic Japanese tea somewhat falls into the processed foods category, you’ll need to register to Import Processed Food Products and Food Appliances in order to get a trader’s license. Once you’ve applied for the trader’s license, you need to move on to applying for an Import Permit through the TradeXchange system of the Singapore Government. In the application form of the Import Permit, you’ll need to mention the Establishment Code of the exporting country along with the Product Code that you’re importing. If you’ve provided the correct information, SFA and Singapore Customs will approve your permit, and you’ll receive a Cargo Clearance Permit (CCP) that will serve as an SFA Import Permit.

What will you have to do when your organic Japanese tea is imported to Singapore?
There are several documents that SFA may request to inspect when your organic Japanese tea arrives in the country. These documents are also kind of a record of how and where the imported goods were manufactured. It is done to ensure that all your imported products comply with the Sale of Food Act and The Food Regulations. For processed goods, SFA has a Regular Source Programme. According to this program, you should be importing goods from that establishment that is properly supervised by the regulating authorities of the exporting country. Some of the examples of the source documents are:
- Certificate of GMP (Good Manufacturing Processes
- Certificate of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)
- Health Certificate (issued by the regulatory body of exporting country)
- Factory License (issued by the regulatory body of exporting country)
- Attestation of Export (issued by the regulatory body of exporting country)
Import Product Inspection
The SFA writes a specific approval code and message on your CCP. This message suggests whether the imported goods will be inspected or not. If the message states that your product will be inspected, we suggest you make an online booking through the Inspection & Laboratory e-Services of the SFA. At inspection, you’ll need to present these three documents:
- Cargo Clearance Permit
- All the relevant source documents
- A part of your consignment for food inspection
If your consignment doesn’t meet the rules, requirements, and regulations of SFA, you won’t be able to sell and spread those products in Singapore.
What documents will be required to register for UEN in Singapore?
To incorporate your company in Singapore, you’ll need to provide the following information:
- The name of your company
- Brief description of your business endeavors
- Information of the Shareholders
- Information of the Directors
- Registered address
- Details about the company secretary
- Constitution of the company
- The last day of the proposed financial year-end of the company
What other agencies besides ACRA can issue UEN?
- The Ministry of Law
- The International Enterprise Singapore
- The Ministry of Defense
- The Ministry of Finance
- The Ministry of Education
- The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore
- The Ministry of Health
- The Ministry of Manpower
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- The People’s Association
- The Singapore Land Authority
- The Monetary Authority
- The Registry of Societies
- The Ministry of Communications and Information
- The Ministry of National Development
- The Ministry of Culture, Community, and Youth

How much customs duties and sales tax will be applied to importing organic Japanese tea?
As organic Japanese tea is a non-dutiable good, there will be no customs duty tax on the import. However, you will have to pay 7% GST of the CIF (cost, insurance, and freight) value on the import of organic Japanese tea to Singapore.
What are the regulations stipulated by The Sale of Food Act?
Whenever you import products to Singapore, the Sale of Food Act will stipulate regulations on the following things:
- Packaging
- Expiration date
- Labeling requirements
- The minimum level of certain constituents in the product
What are the labeling requirements for importing products to Singapore?
All the goods imported to Singapore must display the food content in English and the capital letters about 1/16 inch high. Even the minimum quantity should be mentioned in the net metric weight. According to the requirement, the product must also contain the name and address of the manufacturer along with the exporting country.
Singaporeans love for tea is escalating day by day. So, this proves to be a good opportunity to give something new and flavorsome to their taste palettes. Organic Japanese tea is very high-quality and scrumptious tea for all those people who crave a nice cup of tea. However, if you want to import organic Japanese tea to Singapore, there will be certain rules and regulations that you will have to abide by.
Need Assistance on Japanese Tea Importation?
This shipping and importation of Japanese tea in your country have been a long-standing service that we offer. Therefore, if you are interested in Japanese Tea importation either as a business or you simply want to have a taste of quality, authentic Japanese tea, you may contact us through this website, and we are more than happy to assist you. Click here to contact Green Tea Merchant.
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