How to Import Organic Japanese Tea to EU countries
The world has become a global village, and you can find local flavors around the world. Exporters and importers consider various factors to make this possible. It includes proper quality checks throughout the manufacturing and labeling process and obtaining certification for export to different countries. Importers and exporters comply with the quality guidelines and certifications of other countries to offer the flavor of their land.
Like other edible organic products, Japanese Tea has also gained popularity globally. Importers from around the world, including Europe (EU) and the United States of America (USA), wish to import Japanese Tea to meet the demand. It is possible to import organic Tea without much hassle, but every country or region has its set of rules and regulations to be eligible for import to that area. If you are willing to import Japanese Tea to EU countries, you will require certification from the authorized bodies.
Why do you need certification to import organic Tea from Japan to the EU?
A certificate is needed not only when importing products from Japan but also other parts of the world. Whether you are willing to import products to the EU from the USA, UK, Asia, or anywhere else, you will need permission. The import certificate acts as the permission letter for import and enables you to sell Japanese Organic Tea in the EU.

If you are wondering what’s the need for a certificate in the EU when you are already certified Organic in Japan, here’s why. When you get certification in a country, the authorized person of the committee ensures your production and quality standards as per that country. However, the quality standards for labeling “Organic” are not the same in every country. So, other regions require you to get the relevant certification to import organic from Japan or others.
Does JONA work in Europe?
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association (JONA) provides certification to organic products, including organic Tea. The certification is labeled “Organic” under Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS) by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan. If a product has the Organic seal of JAS, you can sell it all over Japan and be considered quality Tea.
Japan has equivalency agreements with countries like the USA and EU, and you can sell JAS-certified organic products in those regions. JONA certification by JAS is equal to the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) stamp on products and is fit to be sold as an organic product in the USA. However, you will need a certificate from a third party in Europe such as TRACES to import organic Tea to the EU. It is to make sure that your standards of “Organic” comply with the standards of Organic produce in Europe. Each shipment of organic Tea imported to the EU must have a copy of the certificate to enter the country and be allowed for selling.
Who provides the certification for importing tea in the EU?
The electronic certificate of Inspection (e-CoI) is issued by TRACES (Trade Control and Expert System) to ensure the product’s quality and prevent fraud. The certification can either be initiated by the importer, exporter, or by a control body of the exporter and issued by a control body recognized by the EU. Let’s tell you about TRACES in detail.
What are TRACES?
TRACES is one of Europe’s digital future elements and intends to change the dynamics of how certification works in Europe. The Trade Control and Expert System is responsible for monitoring and issuing certification of imports to the EU from various parts of the world.
It lessens the burden and time of approval by speeding up the exchange of information between related regulatory bodies and the importers. It also contributes to the evaluation and detection of fake certificates generated to import organic products to Europe. The timely detection of a fake certificate saves people from consuming substandard products that do not come up to the import standards of the EU.

TRACES is well-equipped with statistical tools to carry out the necessary function efficiently. With proper use of these tools, it can monitor and regulate exports and imports to the EU and intra-union trade. It also keeps updated with the rejected consignments to find the underlying cause and take strict action against it. To get the electronic certificate of Inspection (e-CoI), you have to create an account on TRACES and fill the form with accurate information.
What is a Certificate of Inspection (CoI)?
The certification of Inspection (CoI) is issued by a regulatory body such as TRACES and enables you to import products hassle-free to the EU. Before we tell you how the process works, let’s inform you of a few factors that you must consider while applying.
- The exporters (and producers) and importers (and consignees) have to be registered with a control authority.
- The importer, exporter, or control authority must initiate (apply for) the certificate.
- The certification of Inspection has to accompany all the consignments that enter the EU.
How to get the Certification of Inspection?
Obtaining the Certification of Inspection for importing Japanese Tea in the EU is quite simple as it allows you to carry out the process at the convenience of your home online, without having to go to the office. If you have created a TRACES account, you can quickly initiate your CoI.
- Log into your TRACES account.
- Click on “Certificates” in the top left corner and choose “CoI.”
- Select “Create new COI.”
- The next step is to add a commodity. You can either add one yourself or select one from the list present on the website.
- Click “Done” when you have added the commodities.
- Now you will come across the Certificate of Inspection for importing products from Organic production into the European Union.
- This is not the last step, as you have to fill a few more spaces on the website.
- Firstly you have to add the name of the Issuing body. When you put in the title, a list drops down with corresponding details. Choose the right one carefully.
- The next box is filled automatically depending on the name of the authority body you have added.
- Now, you have to mention the exporter’s name in the 4th box. The 3rd box will fill automatically with the registration number.
- Once you mention the exporter’s name, a list drops down to select the exporter you want to add.
- When you are done with edits, run an “Advanced” search that you can find on the left side of the screen.
- Also, search for the operator’s name so you can add one to the system.
- You can add details of the operator and “save” the data.
- The CoI will validate this operator before issuing the CoI.
- Now add the remaining details like the country of origin.
- Add the total consignment wait inbox no 16.
- After filling all 19 boxes, Submit the Certificate of Inspection.
Once the data is submitted, you can print your certificate in any language of your choice. You can print the certificate in more than one language simultaneously.
Who else can certify Japanese Tea as Organic in the EU?
Other than governmental bodies, some other authorities are authorized to label products as “Organic” that are to be imported to the EU. One such authorized body is Ecocert. The Ecocert Organic Standard (EOS) is equivalent to the European standards, allowing them to provide Organic certification to countries outside Europe. Ecocert is present in over 130 countries, and their worldwide presence makes them accepted and reliable.

How to create your account on TRACES?
- Visit the TRACES website.
- Click on “Create an Account.”
- Enter all important details along with the code received in the email.
How to print the CoI?
You can see the “Preview PDF” button on the screen when you submit your CoI initiation request. Click on the three dots next to “Preview PDF” and select the language from the list of available languages. Print the certificate in multiple languages at once.
How do I know the CoI number?
You can find the CoI number on the top of the screen when you submit the initiation form online.
How to apply in TRACES if you don’t know English?
Many people in Japan do not know English, and it often comes as a question to anyone looking for international certification. However, TRACES offers services in 34 languages, including 23 official languages of the EU. You can connect to TRACES anytime, any day without any charges, and communicate in the language of your choice.
Which countries other than Japan have equivalency agreements with the EU?
You can import products to the EU from any of these countries after obtaining an import certificate.
- Argentina
- Australia
- Canada
- Chile
- Costa Rica
- India
- Israel
- Japan
- Tunisia
- Republic of Korea
- New Zealand
- Switzerland
- United States of America
Key Takeaway
If you are looking to import Japanese Organic Tea to the EU, it must be certified Organic by the government or another authorizing body. Visit the TRACES website to enter all corresponding details to initiate your certificate and get it quickly. However, you can also opt for an authorizing body that can do the processing on your behalf and provide you with the certificate to send along your consignment. Either way, having the CoI is vital for importing Organic Japanese to the EU.

Need Assistance on Japanese Tea Importation?
This shipping and importation of Japanese tea in your country have been a long-standing service that we offer. Therefore, if you are interested in Japanese Tea importation either as a business or you simply want to have a taste of quality, authentic Japanese tea, you may contact us through this website, and we are more than happy to assist you. Click here to contact Green Tea Merchant.
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